Welcome Members! If you know your username and password, log in using this form. If you cannot recall your log in, follow the instructions below to reset your password.
As hackers become more sophisticated, our website hosting company has required us to change the password reset process so that your IBN member password is as secure as possible. If you cannot recall your password, you may click “Lost Your Password” above to reset it, but the process to do so has changed. Below are instructions to reset your password. You may wish to open a new window so you can follow the steps more easily.
1. Click “Lost Your Password?”
2. Enter the username or email address you used when you set up your IBN membership. (If you cannot recall your username OR your email address, contact us and request them. Once we send them to you, come back here and follow the steps. For security reasons, we cannot reset your password for you.)
3. Click “Get New Password”
4. You will receive an email with a link that is valid for 24 hours ONLY.
5. Click the link in the email and you will be taken to a page that looks like this:
NOTE: There is a new password already in the window. If you click “Reset Password” without changing the default password, your new password will be reset to the default password.
If you do not want to use the default password as your new password, delete the default password in the form and enter the password of your choice.
NOTE: The new password must be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ).
6. Log in with your new password.
A STRONG password is OK:

A WEAK password is NOT OK
and will not be accepted:

A Few More Tips
• Once you reset your password, make a note of it so you don’t have to go through this again. You can also use your browser settings to “remember” the password if you are prompted to do so. (You may or may not be prompted depending on your own individual browser settings.)
• Donna Maria’s favorite password tool is 1Password. It’s pricey but worth it. Another option is Last Pass.